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Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI? Identifying Exclusions


Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI: In today’s digital era, the protection of information is paramount. The US government has introduced Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) as a designation to safeguard sensitive but unclassified information. This article aims to explore what constitutes CUI and identify what doesn’t fall under its umbrella.

In this article, we will be taking a moment to answer the question, ‘Which of the following is not an example of CUI’ while also digging deeper into the subject to help you have a holistic understanding of it.

What is Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)?

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) refers to sensitive information that requires protection but is not classified. This encompasses personal, financial, and business information, among other sensitive data. It is crucial to shield such information from public access to maintain security and prevent unauthorized use.

Identifying Non-Examples of CUI

1. Personal Information

2. Privacy Information

3. Press Release

4. Financial Reports

5. Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI

Which of the Following Is Not an Example of CUI is a critical question, and it leads us to the understanding that press releases, unlike personal or financial information, are not considered examples of CUI. They are crafted for public dissemination and lack the sensitive nature that warrants protection.


Among the options presented, press releases, represented by option C, are not considered examples of CUI. Unlike personal or financial information, press releases are crafted for public dissemination and lack the sensitive nature that warrants protection. They are a means for organizations to share information with the public but do not fall under the category of Controlled Unclassified Information.

When Was the Concept of CUI Established?

The concept of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) was established in November 2010 with the issuance of Executive Order 13556 by the US government. This executive order aimed to improve the protection of sensitive unclassified information by creating a standardized system for managing and safeguarding it.

Examples of Information Classified as CUI

  1. Personal Information: Identifiable details like name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, medical records, or financial information.
  2. Business Information: Confidential information belonging to a company, including trade secrets, proprietary information, and business plans.
  3. Law Enforcement Information: Information related to law enforcement activities, such as criminal investigations, intelligence operations, and sensitive security information.
  4. Privacy Information: Information related to an individual’s privacy, such as medical records or financial records.
  5. Research Data: Sensitive scientific or technical information resulting from research, including findings, formulas, and designs.
  6. Export-Controlled Information: Information subject to export controls under federal regulations, such as technical data or defense articles.

Importance of Protecting CUI

Controlled Unclassified Information requires safeguarding due to the potential severe consequences if it falls into the wrong hands. Unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse of CUI can result in significant damage to individuals, organizations, or even national security.

Consequences for Mishandling CUI

Legal Consequences

Mishandling CUI can lead to criminal charges under federal and state laws, including the Espionage Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and the Privacy Act. It can also result in civil lawsuits, where affected individuals or organizations can sue for damages.

Financial Consequences

Organizations and individuals may face fines and penalties for mishandling CUI, ranging from thousands to millions of dollars. Mishandling CUI can also result in legal fees, damages, and reputational harm, causing a significant financial burden.

Reputational Consequences

Mishandling CUI can severely damage an individual or organization’s reputation, and recovery from such damage can take years. Trust in the ability to handle sensitive information can erode, impacting business relationships and overall credibility.

How Federal Agencies Ensure CUI Protection

Federal agencies employ various measures to ensure the protection of Controlled Unclassified Information:

1. CUI Marking

CUI is marked with appropriate labels indicating the level of protection required, such as “For Official Use Only (FOUO)” or “Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU).”

2. Access Controls

Access to CUI is restricted to authorized personnel who have a need-to-know, as determined by their job duties and responsibilities. Agencies also use authentication measures such as passwords, tokens, or biometric systems to ensure that only authorized personnel can access CUI.

3. Encryption

Agencies use encryption to protect CUI in transit and at rest, ensuring that the information remains confidential and secure.

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4. Training and Awareness

Agencies provide training and awareness programs to personnel who handle CUI to ensure they understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive information.

5. Incident Response

Federal agencies have established incident response plans to address any unauthorized access or disclosure of CUI. These plans include reporting requirements, notification procedures, and remediation measures to minimize the impact of any security incidents.

6. Auditing and Monitoring

Regular audits and monitoring are conducted to ensure that CUI is protected in accordance with established policies and procedures. These audits can identify areas where additional safeguards are necessary or where personnel require additional training.

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Now you know that a press release is not an example of CUI, as opposed to personal or business information. Mishandling CUI can have severe consequences, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding sensitive information.


  1. What is Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)?
    • CUI is sensitive but unclassified information requiring protection.
  2. What are the consequences of mishandling CUI?
    • Consequences include legal charges, fines, and reputational damage.
  3. When was the concept of CUI established?
    • The concept was introduced in November 2010 through Executive Order 13556.
  4. What measures do federal agencies take to protect CUI?
    • Measures include marking, access controls, encryption, training, incident response, and auditing.
  5. How does mishandling CUI impact individuals and organizations?
    • Impact ranges from financial losses to legal repercussions and reputational harm.

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